1) The charity is an unincorporated trust, governed by its governing document.
2) The general management and control of the Trust Premises (the Village Hall and land) and the arrangement for its use is vested in a body of trustees (the Trustee Board) made up of charity trustees (the Trustees). The Trustees together with those individuals appointed as described in clauses 3A, 4 and 5A of the governing document are collectively referred to as the "Committee”
3) The management committee meets every two months to discuss the day to day matters of the village hall. An agenda is circulated prior to each meeting and the minutes are recorded and circulated by an appointed Secretary. The meetings are structured to include:
• Attendance
• Approval of previous minutes
• Governance
• Matters arising
• Reports – Chairperson, Treasurer, Premises manager, Booking Clerk
• Fundraising
• Dates of next meeting
4) Accounting records are kept by the Treasurer who reports to the Trustee board at each management committee meeting.
5) An annual general meeting (AGM) of the Committee is convened in the month of November of each year to provide a fair, balanced and understandable review of the charity’s structure, purpose, objectives, activities, financial performance for the preceding 12 months ending September and financial position at the end of September.
6) An Independent Examiner is appointed at the AGM to review the accounting records kept by the charity, in accordance with the general directions of the Charity Commissioners
The Estate Trustee shall hold the premises hereby conveyed (hereinafter called the trust
premises) Upon trust to permit the same to be used for the purposes of physical and mental
recreation and social moral and intellectual development through the medium of reading and
recreation rooms library lectures classes recreations and entertainments or otherwise as may
be found expedient for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Arborfield in the County of
Berks and its immediate vicinity without distinction of sex or of political or other opinions
subject to the provisions herein contained.