
Arborfield Village Hall is undertaking an energy review and a community engagement exercise.

On 10th July Village Hall Trustees met with experts from WBC to review energy efficiency at the hall. Despite having been built in the 1930’s the hall is reasonably efficient in terms of heating and lighting, but we felt it well worth our time to investigate what potential savings there were to be made.

We are still going through the process, as some questions, like should we fit SOLAR PV panels on the roof, require careful thought on issues such as how long it will take to get a return on our investment. Other things we can do, like filling gaps around doors and putting reflectors behind radiators, are relatively cheap and easy with a quick return in terms of energy savings. Changing our fluorescent lighting to LEDs is a mid-range investment which should be worth it in terms of both energy savings and improved health and safety.

I have also been meeting with our Trustees to discuss our “Community Engagement”. We have now started our engagement process and will be distributing some consultation forms through letter boxes soon. We want as many responses as possible so if you want more copies of the form you can print  them from our Consultation page, or you can collect them in person from the old Doctors Waiting Room, Arborfield Village Hall, Eversley Road, RG2 9PQ.

Completed forms, plus any comments or suggestions you may have, can be returned to our post box at the hall. Many thanks for your participation.

Paul Stevens

Chair of Arborfield Village Hall Trustees

Free superfast Wi Fi is available at the hall, courtesy of Gigaclear.

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